Let’s Write About It!

We designed this book to address grade 2 standards, though schools have found it useful all the way up to fourth grade.

Let’s Write About It! (Red Level) focuses on the structure of the basic paragraph—teaching about main idea, supporting sentences, and transition words.

  • We start by teaching them how to brainstorm for ideas and come up with a main idea.
  • We continue on to writing a good topic sentence, supporting sentences, and conclusion.
  • We then teach them how to add transition words for a sensible flow.

Never again will you have to deal with paragraphs that lack supporting details or paragraphs that are just a few random sentences with no controlling idea.

The logical progression we teach helps students create clearly organized, complete paragraphs. You’ll be amazed at the paragraphs your young writers produce!

Once students have mastered these paragraph essentials, they explore additional writing techniques and various writing structures, such as the personal narrative and voicing and supporting an opinion.




Red Level



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